McNary Clan is a resourse for Spiritually Awakening Souls, having a desire to live Free, providing tools and information, intented for assisting personal and planetary Ascension. The Ascension is basically a change in frequency and focus of consciousness.
It's a process that has been going on throughout time, even if you've largely been unaware. Regardless, the Ascension is happening and this site can help guide you through the process by adding to, or afirming what you alrady know for setting yourself free.
Join a family of like minded Souls. Truth Seekers, Mystics, Light Workers, Starseeds, Empaths, Intuitives and other stewards of truth, leading the chorus of understanding in harmoney for the world to follow. Help spread a narative of Liberty, where Health, Well Being, Peace and Love are the narratives of choice to focus on. Like a Phoenix rising, creating a fresh free socociety, from the ashes of an old society no longer in tune with what humanity is becoming. Imagine the possibilities!